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In recent times the health and wellness world has come around to the idea that when it comes to the best exercise, food, drinks and therapy there is no one size that fits all. And therefore what leads one person to thrive may be disastrous for someone else. Coffee is no different.

Chris Kresser MD, is a big advocate of individualised solutions to health and explains that thanks to our genetics we are either fast or slow metabolisers of coffee. While, studies have shown that coffee can reduce the risk of cancer, slow metabolisers may not get the same protection against cancer that fast metabolisers do. In addition, it may also increase their risk of heart disease and hypertension.

Genetic testing can identify which of these two categories you fall into but ‘symptoms’ such as feeling wired, trouble sleeping after an afternoon coffee and increased feelings of anxiety are likely to suggest that you are on the slower metabolising side. Also, our bodies are always talking to us through how they feel and if coffee doesn’t make you feel good….chances are it isn’t good for you.

Unfortunately for me, coffee and my body aren’t friends. After many failed attempts I did manage to quit coffee and switched to some milder forms of caffeine. Here are some of my favourite no caffeine and low caffeine hot drinks:


1. Chai latte

This is a great drink if you can tolerate some caffeine but find coffee too much. Research indicates the positive benefits of the following ingredients found in this recipe:

Boosts immunity and helps fight colds and flu
Reduces insulin resistance
Can help reduce inflammation and reduce pain and muscle soreness

High in antioxidants
Aids digestion and soothes the GI tract

Reduces digestion and nausea
Boosts immunity and helps soothe sore throats and ease colds


1 teaspoon loose black tea
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon cloves
1/8 teaspoon cardamom
1/8 teaspoon dried ginger
1 cup of your favourite milk

Warm spices in saucepan, add milk and tea then gently warm, simmering lightly for a few minutes, strain into a teapot and serve with honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon on top







2. Chai spice mix (caffeine free)
This one has the same ingredients as the recipe above minus the tea. Great for an after dinner drink.


4 tablespoons cinnamon
2 tablespoons cloves
1 tablespoon cardamom
1 tablespoon ginger

In a small pot add a small teaspoon of the spice mix, warm for about 30 seconds until fragrant, add 1 cup of your favourite milk and gently simmer for a few minutes. Pour into a teapot and serve with honey and a sprinkle of cinnamon.


3. Turmeric latte

For a completely caffeine free and healing drink you can’t go past a turmeric latte, AKA ‘golden milk’, this recipe is packed with ingredients shown to have health benefits, including:

The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin has been show to have positive impacts on depression, blood sugar and cholesterol.

Adding pepper to turmeric significantly increases the availability of curcumin in the body allowing all of the above benefits to be boosted.

Cardamom stimulates digestion and eases stomach upsets and can reduce high blood pressure

I like to make a big batch of the dry spice mix below so I always have some on hand.

1/2 cup ground turmeric
1/4 cup ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons ground ginger
1 tablespoon cardamom
2 teaspoons pepper

Place 1 teaspoon of the spice mix in a warm saucepan, let it warm for about 10 seconds then add 1 cup of coconut milk and warm to drinking temperature, add honey or stevia for sweetness.


  • Esther Darling says:

    Hi Rose, I recently discovered mindfulness and find it a great way to become master of your mind. My brain literally never shuts off. When I’m not thinking, I’m reading. When I’m not reading, I’m thinking. I also use music, meditation and more recently hypnosis to sleep. I recently felt drawn to give up coffee. It was really hard because I love the taste. I discovered a caffeine free alternative by Fair trade. It’s just called organic decaffeinated rich earthy coffee. I make it in a stove top express maker. It smells and tastes amazing. I love the sound of some of your recipes. I also enjoy Indian chai tea. With spices, fresh ginger and milk, it’s amazing! I wish you well with your new business. May it bring you joy.

    • admin says:

      Hi Esther

      Your decaf coffee sounds lovely – you still get to enjoy that gorgeous coffee smell too 😊
      I think Indian chai tea is the best invention ever so I have it every day!
      Thank you for your well wishes!
